After every Halloween, every Easter, every Christmas, every Valentine’s Day, and any time candy is discounted outrageously, Mamma stocks up. She likes having a candy bowl. In your case, a candy barrel. Candy bowls are not my friend. I snack. I don’t even realize it all the time. Sometimes I just eat because I have the ability too. A candy bowl will get me into trouble instantly. One minute there is a bowl full candy, the next there is a waste basket full of wrappers. I don’t even remember doing it. My blood sugar, on the other hand, is not confused. When I test my blood, my meter is quite confident that I ate my weight in sticky, sugary, goodness.
This isn’t just at home. For me, and many like me, it is everywhere. Ever go to the bank and see those lolly-pops on the counter with the stick that is really a piece of rope, looped into a bunny ear. It’s force of habit. I have to take one. I always take one. If Evelynn is with me, we take two. Online banking is diabetic friendly. At the grocery store, the last thing you see before leaving is a rack full of candy. And they always have such great deals on the candy bars like “buy two, get one free” or “88 cents each”. For that price, we need at least three. I’ll even buy one for Squishy. Sadly, since Squishy has no teeth, I will have to eat it for her. That’s going to help her blood sugar. Our family doctor’s office has mints in the waiting room. Just about everyone I know with a desk, has candy on it. It is unavoidable. The worst part is that individually wrapped candy, almost never has the number of carbohydrates written on it. Probably not a huge problem if you eat only one, but I feel that eating only one cady is unfair to all the other candies in the bowl. I must devour them equally.
My final complaint this evening, is the sugarfree candy. What sort of nonsense is that? Diabetic friendly candy? In reveiw, for those of you that don’t know, your body magically changes carbohydrates into glucose (a.k.a. sugar). The number of carbohydrates in the sugarfree or diabetic friendly candies, is usually about the same as the sugarfull or not-so-diabtic friendly version. I’m sorry, but if I’m going to choose between two candies with the same amount of carbohydrates, I’m choosing the one that doesn’t taste like it was made in a shoe factory. How is this candy diabetic friendly? It’s used to stop diabetics from eating from the candy bowl.
You should keep this all in mind when you have a desk or a house. Or a bank. Instead of serving candy, serve hotdogs and string cheese.